200068 - Accelerated Skill Development Program for Merged Areas
Approved cost of the Project : 1409.440
Project Start Date
: 01/07/2021
Project End Date
: 30/06/2024
Project Area : AIP
Updated progress:
- Progressive Exp: 0
- CFY Allocation: 80
- CFY Release : 0
- CFY Expenditure: 0
- Target includes notified.
Mode of execution:
- Districts wise details of trade (Construction, Services, Tourism and mine and minerals are kept for the whole Merged Area Region)
- Business plan (PC-I document)
- Period of the project (3 years)
- Beneficiers of the project (5500)
- Status of PC-1 (Approved)
Targeted impact:
- Will create 1,500 direct and indirect jobs
- Increased availability of workforce for enterprises and mega projects