210225 - Interest Free Micro-lending activities to support small scale Entrepreneurs (IFML) in Merged Districts
Approved cost of the Project : 93.429
Project Start Date : 30/11/2021
Project End Date : 30/06/2025
Project Area : MA
SUB-SECTOR: Small Industries Dev. Board
Updated progress:
- Progressive Exp: 0
- CFY Allocation: 67
- CFY Release : 67
- CFY Expenditure: 0
- Rs. 500 million revolved to the tune of Rs. 2512 million and benefited 78333 individuals (male: 77039 female: 1291) in Mas
- Rs. 379.85 M. recovered on account of revolving fund as of Dec-21.
- Rs. 197.89 M. have been transferred to SIDB