210498 - Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Youth Intership Program in leading Industries & MNCs (KP)

210498 - Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Youth Intership Program in leading Industries & MNCs

Approved cost of the Project : 288.133

Project Start Date : 19/09/2024

Project End Date : 30/06/2024

Project Area : KP


Updated progress:


  • Progressive Exp: 30
  • CFY Allocation: 30
  • CFY Release : 30
  • CFY Expenditure: 30

1. Is the AA uploaded on PCFMS (Yes)
2. What is the status of releases (Demand submitted)
3. How many MNCs been identified and Has the MoUs with them been signed ? (In progress)
4. What is status of Internees (spade work has been completed will be advertised shortly)