Tender Notice 22-23
Download Directorate General Industries, Commerce Khyber Pakhtunkhwa invites sealed technical and financial bids from reputed firms/suppliers duly registered with Sales Tax/ Income Tax Department Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Revenue Authority as Active Tax Payers, for the supply of Papers, Printing Binding & Allied Material for the year 2022-23 as per specifications, quality and quantity given in bidding documents on the attached terms and conditions
Date: 2022-2023
Outlets Inspection In Battagram City
As per the directives of the worthy Director General Industries and Commerce Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, AD CPC Battagaram inspected various outlets in the battagaram city area on 31st May, 2022. During the inspection of grocery stores, medicine shops of allopathic, herbal and veterinary products, expired items were retrieved and taken into custody, as required. Those found guilty will be called to the AD office for further legal actions as per consumer act 1997, amended. Branch of utility store was also checked for the availablity of important edible items including sugar. Stock of wheat flour was found to be not sufficient, however, sugar stock was found to be sufficient. Present staff reported of the poor cellular services for the new verification process of consumers for the sale of Subsidised items. Matter will be brought into the notice of District Administration for remedial actions through concern service providers.

Swat Consumer Protection
On the Directions of Worthy Director General of Industries and Commerce KP, the Deputy Director Industries, Commerce and Trade Malakand Region and Assistant Director Consumer Protection Council Swat along with official staff visited different establishments at People Chowk Swat and booked the violators for violation of Consumer Protection Act 1997 (amended 2017) and called to the office of AD CPC Swat for further legal action.

Petrol Pumps Inspection
On direction of worthy Director General of Industries and Commerce KP, Consumer Inspector Dir Lower inspected various petrol pumps. The availability of Petrol and diesel was found satisfactory and Sufficient. No shortage through out District Dir.