DI Khan
The top finance Industry professionals gathered to recognize the best institutions and individuals in various sectors of the financial industry at the 13th Annual Excellence Awards ceremony hosted by the CFA Society Pakistan. Mr. Syed Murad Ali Shah, the Sindh chief minister was the chief guest) and Mr. Muhammad Zafar-ul-Haq Hijazi, chairman, Securities and Exchange […]
October 5, 2016DI Khan
The government of KP Consumer Protection Law addresses complaints involving consumer transactions in which a business has acted in an unfair, deceptive or unlawful way.
The government of KP Consumer Protection Law ensured government prices to be enforced for the consumers as well as ensuring the services standard.
Notwithstanding anything contained in any other law for the time being in force, no company, firm or person shall advertise in any manner not authorized by law for the sale or hiring.
The Director, on receipt of a complaint or on his own motion or on the direction of the Court, may hold an inquiry as to defects in products or services, which contravene any of the provisions of this Act; provided that no prior.